Husband Material

Are women the cause of this epidemic; trying to get rid of the husband material?

What happened to those days when men were noble, known as the strong head of the family, the breadwinner, the defender and provider of the family.

Are mothers, wives or the society the cause of these unprocessed husband material?

The olden days' mothers who train their sons as lords, give them the notion male children are not supposed to be domestic, making them insensitive to a woman’s plight, creating monsters who beat, insult and harass their wives at any given opportunity.

Some ladies in trying to impress and keep a man shower him with money and luxury gifts. Truth is, this makes the man very lazy and dependent on you and at the end, he sees you as his free ticket to fame and fortune.

And to those men who do not fear God, I call them igbesere o , time wasters, by asking a lady on their first date, what do you do for a living? what is your income like? do you have a house of your own?

It is so surprising how men of these days do not want to work! They believe their wife's or girlfriends have got their backs; of course we have got their backs, after all, are the women not meant to support the man. But again the word support means giving or helping someone in need. I do not see these men as handicapped, they should show some form of diligence and then the woman can give the needed support when required.

And to the husband who claims he is not a domestic person, he is not a breadwinner, what is he? A nominal being, created just to occupy space!

I overheard 2 ladies having a conversation about how they went to an eatery and saw 2 grown, well dressed, good-looking men. They looked every inch of bankers as they were both suited. However you would not believe what they were conversing about: One of them, Azumi, said to the other:

Let me call my baby because I am so broke. Picks up the phones and calls Bae.

Azumi; Hello Bae, how is working? I will be needing some money this weekend for upkeep, Ok....

The phone cuts and the next thing bae walks in. A young beautiful lady is the Bae, trying to give Azomi some money for the weekend.

But of course, she is a bae, who is a busy bee, working so hard to keep her man happy.

Or the other case of a guy telling his girlfriend the amount of money she gives him will determine how far the relationship will go.

Or the other guy that will always forget his wallet anytime he is going on a date with the girlfriend!

I fear for the little girls, I fear for the unmarried ladies, I worry for the men. I advise every young lady to get a steady job or a good skill for the sake of yourself and unborn child as for the men......

Is marriage an excuse for parents to give out their overgrown male babies for adoption?

what is your take?


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