This thing called marriage

A wedding is a one-day event while marriage is a lifetime, Do not apply religion where wisdom should be used. I had given so much to this post, I have wondered and ponder; is marriage truly the end of a beautiful relationship? Do couples really need a break from marriage, is marriage a means of getting the society off your back? Is marriage a bondage or a union where both parties have equal rights? If you knew what you knew now would you still go ahead and get married to your spouse or become a single parent? Is love alone just enough for marriage? Could one fall in love while being married? Has the African culture made marriage one-sided? Or is it a means to financial stability?

I did a lot of research and a lot of women had their inputs. A lady once told me that marriage was the end to a beautiful relationship, and for so many years I could not understand what it meant but as I grew older I wondered why relationships would last many years but as soon as the couple gets married, the marriage will barely last for two years. I tend to wonder how men go about with their normal life, hanging out with friends at bars and clubs doing the so-called "boys hang out" even after marriage and childbirth unlike most women if not properly managed could lose their personality. Women take up the responsibility of motherhood, a full-time job with no retirement, leave or transfer.

I spoke to another lady about falling in love and she said she had once fallen in love while in her marriage. She had met a guy she fell in love with. She told me the African marriage made it as a duty for the woman to pamper only the man, the women in marriage are meant to pamper, love, bear, tolerate a man but in return gets nothing. She said at a particular time in marriage what keeps the marriage going if both parents are not totally carried away are the children. I asked how she got out of the love tangle and she replied; the right thing is the best thing to do, she does not want her children trained by another woman. She also wanted her children to be trained in the right environment with a father figure and then I asked her this interesting question; were the children the collateral for not leaving your marriage to find happiness? She smiled and said, the day you decide to bring children into the world, just know you have sacrificed your happiness and life for them.

The pains of motherhood
Most women experience great changes in their body system, like high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, body stress, loss of memory, fashion sense, social life, etc. If the children do not turn out right, it falls on the woman and when they are good children, the man gets the accolades. A man has a bad time at work, comes back and transfers his aggression to his wife. He has girlfriends around and it is believed they need the girlfriends to make themselves stable. Let me ask a question; when the woman has a bad day at work who does she transfer her aggression to? Can she equally get a male friend to make her stable? Oh, this thing called marriage is for the matured Christians with the guidelines of the Holy Spirit.

The lies Women Tell:
A lot of women are guilty of this, we describe marriage as an ever blissful union with no ups or downs. Without preparing the single ladies that is a union that needs God’s guidance, patience, commitment, understanding, and maturity. Love is not just enough to hold the union and if you are not ready, do not venture into it. In my own opinion, I think if women were to be fair, women will tell themselves the truth.

One Thing Men Don't Do Right,
Men never reprimand men, they can never tell themselves that they have done wrong and should desist from such habits. They encourage themselves in their wrongdoing.

Is it truly the end of a beautiful relationship??


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