How to overcome this nightmare: POST PARTUM DEpression.

I am in so much pains! I can’t walk nor sit! Why am I feeling so down? These words keep coming to my head. I just had a baby, my bundle of joy, I thought the baby will make me happy as children are blessings from God.

These are questions most new mother ask without getting an answer, why do new nursing mothers go through depression after birth.

Wait! You are not alone, research has shown that about 50 - 80% of nursing mothers experience depression after childbirth.

What is PPD?  It is a type of depression that nursing mothers experience during and after childbirth. It is so common, we often do not notice that most women suffer from this. It is often associated with mood swing, excessive crying, pains, loneliness, anxiety, fear, Self-pity, etc.

Some Causes of Post-Partum Depression:

  • Hormonal Factor
  • Emotion adjustment to motherhood.
  • Physical exhaustion after giving birth.
  • Society

How to Over Come Post-Partum Depression.

  • Tell it to God first
  • Try to get plenty of rest.
  • Take one step at a time.
  • Eat Right and take a supplement.
  • Avoid Negative energy.
  • Never be shy to speak to somebody or a doctor about how you feel.

If not well managed it could lead to suicide or harm to the baby.


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