Hello everyone, hope you all are having a wonderful day! I'm doing and slaying in my kitchen 24/7, lol. So I gave a friend this beautiful recipe for my potato casserole sauce yesterday and she invited me over to rate her. I was so impressed because she made it for the first time yesterday and had some friends over who ate and could not stop talking about how fantastic it was. She kept saying "Ada" this recipe is epic! I felt fulfilled and so glad that they all enjoyed the dish. This is a sauce that can be eaten alone, with basmati rice or regular rice.I will be sharing this recipe right here for everyone... Please try it and possibly send me pictures and reviews! And one more thing, it is suitable for vegetarians too.

Irish potatoes
Green peppers
Green beans
White onions
Ginger and Garlic
Cayenne pepper
Thyme and Curry
Knorr cubes
Spice Chicken seasoning
Bay leaf
Vegetable oil

Cut potatoes into big chunks, add salt and cook for 10mins. Strain water and set aside.

Cut chicken in medium chunks, then season with spice chicken seasoning, Knorr cubes, salt, thyme, curry, white onions, ginger, garlic, and place bay leaf on top, cover lid and cook till soft!

Pour oil into a pan or pot, add your white onions, garlic and sauté for one minute.

Add your veggies, sauté for one minute.

Add curry, thyme, cayenne pepper, Knorr cubes and salt to taste.

Add the Chicken and potatoes then cook for 3-4 minutes.

Bring down and serve, very suitable for vegetarians and weight watchers! Can also be used as a side dish for Basmati rice or regular rice.

Enjoy and have fun while cooking👍

Article/Photo Credit: Clara's Food Diary and Cakes.


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